He controls death squads . they kill thousands of people every year 他是死神的头.他们每年要杀上千个人
In another raid on the hillah region south of baghdad , security forces detained 11 suspected death squad members 在巴格达以南希拉区另外一次突袭中,保安部队抓获了11名被怀疑是杀人队成员的人。
And with insurgents and death squads viewing them as collaborators with the enemy , going back home isn ' t a realistic option , either 一些起义者和敢死队把他们看成是敌人的合作者,回家也不是一个实际的选择。
U . s . ambassador to iraq zalmay khalilzad blamed most killings in iraq on " death squads " associated with sectarian militias 美国驻伊拉克大使哈利乍德认为,伊拉克大多数杀戮事件是和宗派激进分子有关联的行刑队所为。
He said the priorities are to bring baghdad under control , disband illegal militias , bring death squad leaders to justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process 他说某些优先权使得巴格达在掌控之中,取缔非法武装,审判处死敢死队首脑并且继续进行国际调解工作。
As if the atrocities committed by terrorists and sectarian death squads in iraq weren ' t bad enough , kidnapping has become one of the country ' s most common forms of crime since the fall of saddam hussein 自从萨达姆倒台后,恐怖分子和宗派主义死亡小分队所犯下的暴行好象不是那么糟糕,而绑架已成为了这个国家最常见的犯罪形式
Iraqi forces backed by american warplanes killed 10 militants in a third operation targeting baghdad ' s sadr city , a shi ' ite militia stronghold of anti - american cleric moqtada al - sadr . ten suspected death squad members were also captured during the raid 在对巴格达的萨德尔城区进行的第三起突袭行动中,伊拉克部队在美国战斗机的支援下打死10名激进分子。